Job detail: "Senior Translation Technologist, Translation and Terminology Technology Section, PCT Translation Division, Patents and Technology Sector"

This vacancy is advertised by WIPO
Duty Station: Switzerland-CH-Geneva
Level: P4 Contract type: Fixed Term Appointment (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 2024-11-27

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Duty Station

Level / Grade

Contract Type

Post Title

Closing Date

Posting Retrieved

1WIPO Switzerland-CH-Geneva P1 Fixed Term Appointment Assistant Client Advisor (four posts), PCT Operations Teams 10 & 11, PCT Operations Services 1 & 2, PCT Operations Division, PCT Services Department, Patents and Technology Sector2024-11-12 2024-10-16
2WIPO Switzerland-CH-Geneva P2 Fixed Term Appointment Client Advisor (six posts), PCT Operations Teams 10 & 11, PCT Operations Services 1 & 2, PCT Operations Division, PCT Services Department, Patents and Technology Sector2024-11-12 2024-10-16
3WIPO Switzerland-CH-Geneva D1 Fixed Term Appointment Director, Development Agenda Coordination Division, Regional and National Development Sector2024-11-12 2024-10-16
4WIPO Switzerland-CH-Geneva D2 Fixed Term Appointment Senior Director, WIPO Academy, Regional and National Development Sector2024-11-12 2024-10-16
5WIPO Switzerland-CH-Geneva P2 Temporary Appointment Associate Legal Officer, Internet Dispute Resolution Section Sector, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector2024-11-14 2024-10-31
6WIPO Switzerland-CH-Geneva P3 Temporary Appointment Legal Officer, Copyright Law Division, Copyright and Creative Industries Sector2024-11-15 2024-11-01
7WIPO Switzerland-CH-Geneva P3 Fixed Term Appointment Digital Marketing Officer, Customer Experience Section, Infrastructure and Platforms Sector2024-11-16 2024-10-22

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