Job detail: "Consultancy: International Resource Mobilization Consultant, Band level B"

This vacancy is advertised by WHO
Duty Station: Egypt-Cairo
Level: No grade Contract type: External consultant (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 2025-02-11

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The vacancy is online since: 2025-01-27
Days online: 12 Total views: 3


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Duty Station

Level / Grade

Contract Type

Post Title

Closing Date

Posting Retrieved

1WHO Türkiye-Ankara NO-B Fixed-term appointment Epidemiologist2025-02-07 2025-01-17
2WHO Switzerland-Geneva P3 Fixed-term appointment Governance and Board Relations Officer2025-02-07 2025-01-17
3WHO Myanmar-Yangon No grade Special Services Agreement (SSA) WASH and Environmental Health Officer2025-02-07 2025-01-17
4WHO Bhutan-Thimphu NO-B Fixed-term appointment Public Health support Officer (disease control)2025-02-07 2025-01-22
5WHO Anywhere  External consultant Consultant - Nutrition, Western Pacific Region2025-02-07 2025-01-24
6WHO Myanmar-Nay Pyi Taw No grade Special Services Agreement (SSA) Data Assistant2025-02-08 2025-01-18
7WHO Myanmar-Nay Pyi Taw No grade Special Services Agreement (SSA) National Technical Officer (HMIS)2025-02-08 2025-01-18

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